First Impressions
The Storm Revenant looks like a suitable replacement for what was a really good option in the Spectre.
Check out our friends Jeff Miller and Ron Hoppe at Haley’s Pro Shop for world class drilling and coaching!
Tamer Elbaga (Lefty)
Style: Tweener
RPM: 375 rpm
PAP: 5 & 3/8 up
Average Speed: 18.5 mph (at release)
Axis tilt: low
Axis rotation: medium/high
Test Equipment: 14 Pounds
Layout: 50 x 5 x 45
Bryan Hoffman (Righty)
Style: Stroker
RPM: 280 rpm
PAP: 4 1/2 & 1 1/2 up
Average Speed: 18.5 mph (at release)
Axis tilt: high
Axis rotation: medium
Test Equipment: 14 Pounds
Layout: 50 x 5 x 45
Tyler Church (Righty)
Style: Power Player
RPM: 450 rpm
PAP: 5 1/2 & 1/2 up
Average Speed: 19 mph (at release)
Axis tilt: med
Axis rotation: medium
Test Equipment: 14 Pounds
Layout: 50 x 5 x 45
“Keep in mind that coverstock accounts for 70% of ball reaction, but the core creates the dynamic shape of the reaction. Your driller will alter the shape to suit your game.”
THS: 42ft, 23ml
Sport: TBD
The Storm Revenant uses the Vector symmetric core inside the R3S Pearl coverstock.
15 pound = RG of 2.54, diff of .050
14 pound = RG of 2.55, diff of .051
Coverstock finish: Reacta Gloss
I’ll start by getting out of the way that I hate the Reactagloss finish and we have chosen to stop testing any of these balls OOB so we immediately scuff the surface with 2000 or 3000 pad lightly. On a separate note, we may consider a full resurface for all reactagloss balls moving forward as I think that finish makes these balls so smooth with no underlying teeth. Anyway so here we have the Revanant, basically a Spectre with new colors. I have really liked the R3S cover for quite some time, going back to the Snap Lock. Strong but smooth and reliable boomy shape typically. I called the Spectre Marvel-esque and I would say the Revenant is the same deal. It’s maybe a bit too clean as I mentioned but has the nice reliable response downlane. I really feel that a resurface would make this ball magical. As is, there is a touch of skittishness. Despite that, I really enjoyed the shape and reaction overall. I felt like I had some options in terms of lane play. The touchiness of the cover plus my rustiness after hip replacement surgery made the deep shot touch and go but 2nd to 3rd arrow zone really was comfortable. This is a pretty clear mid late ball for me and I’ve recently talked about this crowded space from the Storm family but more on that later.
Tyler was next and aside from the first few shots trying to find something, he quickly found something and once he saw the shape and hit, his eyes got bigger and it got easier to throw the Revenant. Again length is not a problem here. In some ways we want some more grit and a bit less length to increase predictability. You will see that if he hit it a bit, it really slowed down and went sideways. Now generally that will happen but it’s exacerbated with a shiny ball and one with such low underlying grit. Now if you watched the Absolute review, you will see the trouble we have with the shiny ball even with some scuff but in this case the Vector core plus a bit more underlying strength chemistry of the R3S makes the Revenant way easier and more predictable even with the same finish. Tyler was all smiles. We test a lot of balls and he did like the overall shape of the Revenant. It would also fit in Mid Late for him.
Bryan is last but not least and what do you think he felt? I can tell you he enjoyed the Revenant just as much if not more. He started a little deep for it but light hits carried. But same deal in terms of length as you would expect and in a similar way to the Absolute, he can straddle the oil/dry line of the cliff and somewhat take it out of play thus allowing the ball to turn over nicely downlane. Nice predictable and reliable strong arc to the pocket. The Revenant was a little more continuous than the Absolute as the core didn’t expend so much energy standing up. Yes it’s on the weaker side and he did see it as a bit less than the Marvel but close in shape. He had a little bit of miss room in both directions as well which was nice.
Final Thoughts
The elephant in the room is where this fits in the bag. Honestly I’m bewildered by the amount of balls I could slot in the Mid Late category. Remember, this is the cleanest thing in your bag that is for light volume or later in the block as patterns break down. In a “simple” 6 ball bag, you only need one Mid Late ball. If you know your house and these come into play frequently, maybe 2? So now you have the Revenant, Fate, Night Road, Phaze V, Hyroad, Hyroad Pearl, Dark Code, Absolute, Electrify, Hyped Pearl, Hustle Wine, Wolverine Dark Moss, Burner Pearl and those are all from Storm. Of course they are not all the same but shiny, they all are in one crowded part of the bag. What I can say is I feel comfortable recommending the Revenant as a solid option in that slot.
Thanks for watching.