First Impressions
We all really liked the revving heavy roll of the detonator core and it looks really nice in this Propulsion HPV pearl cover.
Check out our friends Jeff Miller and Ron Hoppe at Haley’s Pro Shop for world class drilling and coaching!
Tamer Elbaga (Lefty)
Style: Tweener
RPM: 325 rpm
PAP: 5 & 3/8 up
Average Speed: 18.5 mph (at release)
Axis tilt: low
Axis rotation: medium/high
Test Equipment: 14 Pounds
Layout: 45 x 4.5
Bryan Hoffman (Righty)
Style: Stroker
RPM: 280 rpm
PAP: 4 1/2 & 1 1/2 up
Average Speed: 18.5 mph (at release)
Axis tilt: high
Axis rotation: medium
Test Equipment: 14 Pounds
Layout: 50 x 5 x 45
Tyler Church (Righty)
Style: Power Player
RPM: 450 rpm
PAP: 5 1/2 & 1/2 up
Average Speed: 19 mph (at release)
Axis tilt: med
Axis rotation: medium
Test Equipment: 14 Pounds
Layout: 50 x 5 x 45
“Keep in mind that coverstock accounts for 70% of ball reaction, but the core creates the dynamic shape of the reaction. Your driller will alter the shape to suit your game.”
THS: 42ft, 23ml
Sport: TBD
The Motiv Nuclear Forge uses the Detonator™ Symmetrical core inside the Propulsion HVP Pearl Reactive coverstock.
15 pound = RG of 2.49 diff of .050, mb of .014
14 pound = RG of 2.51, diff of .044, mb of .011
Coverstock finish: 2000 grit abralon
Motiv continues the Forge line with the Nuclear Forge and I’m very glad it’s still the Detonator core. The original Forge seemed to have that early revving nature that really gave the ball this driving continuous heavy rolling motion. Those shapes tend to work really well for me and benefits lower rev bowlers who can take advantage of the heavy rolling core. Adding the Propulsion cover will allow bowlers to take advantage of that motion while getting more length which should offer a good amount of versatility. I will say that revving up nature which smooths the shape but still good energy is very attractive to the eye. I really do enjoy the lower RG cores, especially as a lefty. Now immediately I can see the ball is too strong for me to use in the friction. The cover is a bit too responsive and the core is a bit too big. I had no look on this house shot outside the 3rd arrow. Once I got passed the 3rd arrow, the Nuclear Forge is a pocket magnet. So easy to get there. The challenge I had at first was frequent 7 pins. I was a little confused, at first thinking well it’s too strong for the friction, but not strong enough for some oil. However, as I continued to move further in, the ball looked better and retained more energy. So my first thought was that it was pushing too long. It turns out it was really bleeding a bit of energy. Sometimes hard to distinguish. I still wonder if it was a little bit of both. It was just so easy to get to the pocket. I did apply some light surface by hand. What I can say is this. In the track, I probably had a 40% carry rate. Right of the track or with touch of surface, the carry rate went to about 80%. Big difference. So clearly a little surface helps but also finding more oil helps. I do like this ball for the Mid Defined category especially since I tend to lean towards the smoother side of Defined in my bag.
Power Player’s Perspective
It’s Tyler’s turn to test the new Motiv Nuclear Forge. As you can see, Tyler is a slightly rev dominant bowler. He has a good amount of side rotation with low tilt so he tends to see lots of side to side motion. The initial take is that he essentially saw the same type of motion I saw. It has a nice spool up, a little later due to the cleaner nature of the cover but still a controlled strong arc. Same situation ensued where in the track area, it was a pocket magnet but 50/50 with 10 pins. As he got a step deeper than the track, the Nuclear Forge would drive and drive hard. In fact he left several 9 pins. But just as I did, Tyler really liked the motion. The spinning up and heavy roll of the core really gives confidence that the ball wont push past. It’s not really the type of ball to generate over/under in the big sense. In other words, it’s window of over/under was much smaller. Over was a 9 pin. not 4-9. Under was a 10 pin, not bucket. The Nuclear made it really easy to hold pocket. It really feels like the kind of ball that would be a perfect type of shape for a mid defined ball on tougher conditions.
Stroker’s Stance
Last but not least is Bryan testing the New Forge. Bryan still has a Forge has his Strong Control ball as the shape is very predictable and offers good hit for his style game on tougher shots. He doesn’t use it often on house because it’s just a bit too strong with the cover and core combination. So he was looking forward to seeing a cleaner cover on the same Detonator core, hoping for just a bit of a cleaner look but still that same heavy arc. It is certainly a bit cleaner than the original Forge and does have the same type of arc. Theoretically, that little extra length could make this ball pop a bit more for Bryan but it seems in reality it simply provided a bit of length with a similar shape. You don’t always get more backend because you have length. Sometimes you simply get the same ball reaction but just happens a few feet later and that’s basically what happens here. I think there is a bit too much friction for the strength of this ball so while Bryan can’t quite stay in the friction, he can’t really open up the lane much. There is a slim zone in terms of carry.
Big picture, the Nuclear Forge seems to fit in the Mid Defined category. It doesn’t turn as hard as the Sky Raptor and isn’t as boomy rounded as the Mythic Jackal. It’s somewhere in between which might make it a goldilocks for some and meh for others. I truly feel that if you are on a little heavier condition than our house shot and it starts to breakdown, this will be a very good option. We really liked the shape it created and that tends to make a bowler comfortable with execution.
Thanks for watching.