Ebonite Gamebreaker Re-Release Ball Review

“A Classic comeback” Ebonite re-releases the venerable Gamebreaker. Tester: Kyle Hartzell of Bowlerx.com Remember that coverstock accounts for 70% of ball reaction, but the core will create the dynamic shape. Your drilling will alter the shape to suit your game and conditions you bowl on. Let me briefly describe the layout and what it’s intention … Continue reading Ebonite Gamebreaker Re-Release Ball Review

Brunswick Wicked Siege Ball Review

“Wicked Good Ball” Brunswick has found magic with this versatile all-arounder. Remember that coverstock accounts for 70% of ball reaction, but the core will create the dynamic shape.  Your drilling will alter the shape to suit your game and conditions you bowl on. Let me briefly describe the layout and what it’s intention is.  For … Continue reading Brunswick Wicked Siege Ball Review

Two PJBT wins in a row for Bradley Crouse!

Congratulations Bradley!!! It must be exciting to win not only your first tournament, but taking two in a row! For those unaware, the PJBT is the Pennsylvania Junior Bowlers Tournament. The PJBT sets up tournaments almost weekly to allow junior bowlers to begin to experience a competitive setting early on in their careers. Bradley’s first … Continue reading Two PJBT wins in a row for Bradley Crouse!

Roto Grip Infinite Theory Digitrax Analysis

See written review and video at http://tamerbowling.com/index.php/roto-grip-infinite-theory-ball-review/ Here is a supplemental review with Ebonite Digitrax Analysis. I am bowling on a medium to medium-heavy house shot with dry boards outside 5.  It’s a pretty steep cliff from wet to dry around the 7 board so I try to target inside the 2nd or 3rd breakzone … Continue reading Roto Grip Infinite Theory Digitrax Analysis

Motiv Cruel C51 Digitrax Analysis

See written review and video at http://tamerbowling.com/index.php/motiv-cruel-c51-ball-review/ Here is a supplemental review with Digitrax Analysis. Below, you can see all tracks and the average track as recorded by Ebonite Digitrax. On the left, you can see the statistical analysis. I am bowling on a medium to medium-light house shot with dry boards outside 5.  It’s … Continue reading Motiv Cruel C51 Digitrax Analysis

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