All posts by Coach T

Motiv Cruel C51 Digitrax Analysis

See written review and video at Here is a supplemental review with Digitrax Analysis. Below, you can see all tracks and the average track as recorded by Ebonite Digitrax. On the left, you can see the statistical analysis. I am bowling on a medium to medium-light house shot with dry boards outside 5.  It’s … Continue reading Motiv Cruel C51 Digitrax Analysis

“Strong” vs “Weak” equipment…Bowling Balls are like Tires!

Do you understand your equipment? There’s so much discussion about high performance, medium performance, and entry level equipment. Does that mean that entry level is “low performance”? Short answer is an emphatic NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Let’s delve into what all of this means. Almost all manufacturers classify their equipment into approximately 3 categories of which … Continue reading “Strong” vs “Weak” equipment…Bowling Balls are like Tires!