Storm Fire Road Bowling Ball Review with Digitrax Analysis

Will the Fire Road Light up the Lanes??? We’re excited to review the new Storm Fire Road. As usual, keep in mind that the coverstock will account for 70% of ball reaction while the core characteristics and drilling will dictate the shape of the reaction. Layout: Cranker (Sean Patterson) – 80 x 4 3/8 x … Continue reading Storm Fire Road Bowling Ball Review with Digitrax Analysis

Storm IQ Tour Edition Bowling Ball Review

This just might be the real deal! Buy the Storm IQ Tour Edition Bowling Ball from! Storm latest bowling ball in the Master Line is the Storm IQ Tour Edition. As usual, keep in mind that the coverstock will account for 70% of ball reaction while the core characteristics and drilling will dictate the … Continue reading Storm IQ Tour Edition Bowling Ball Review

International Art of Bowling with Belmo and Diandra

Recently, professional bowlers and coaches Jason Belmonte and Diandra Asbaty sat down with us at Tamer Bowling to discuss their latest endeavor. Together with Gold Coach Ron Hoppe, they started a coaching company known as the International Art of Bowling or IAB. You can check their website out at They spend some time in … Continue reading International Art of Bowling with Belmo and Diandra

Storm Tropical Heat Hybrid Black/Purple Bowling Ball Review

The Medium House Shot Monster gets Stronger! Our latest review is of the Storm Tropical Heat Hybrid Black/Purple. As usual, keep in mind that the coverstock will account for 70% of ball reaction while the core characteristics and drilling will dictate the shape of the reaction. The ball is drilled with 4 5/8″ x 6″ … Continue reading Storm Tropical Heat Hybrid Black/Purple Bowling Ball Review

New Roto Grip Equipment for Summer 2012

Roto Grip has announced its direction for this summer. Firstly, the current naming conventions will be completely changed. For better or worse, the Royal Line, Crown Line, Sword Line, etc. are gone. Well, not the balls but the names. Instead, Roto Grip is moving to a Hook Potential model known as HP. The intention seems … Continue reading New Roto Grip Equipment for Summer 2012

Storm Crossroad Bowling Ball Review

Is this the one to finally replace the Hy-Road??? Today, we’re reviewing the Storm Crossroad. As usual, keep in mind that the coverstock will account for 70% of ball reaction while the core characteristics and drilling will dictate the shape of the reaction. The test piece was drilled 70x5x40. Generally speaking, this will delay the … Continue reading Storm Crossroad Bowling Ball Review

Storm Modern Marvel Bowling Ball Review

A Modern Benchmark… This time, we test the Storm Modern Marvel. As usual, keep in mind that the coverstock will account for 70% of ball reaction while the core characteristics and drilling will dictate the shape of the reaction. The test piece was drilled 60x5x80. Generally speaking, this will delay the roll and have a … Continue reading Storm Modern Marvel Bowling Ball Review

Belmonte for Player of the Year? Jason Talks…

  Jason Belmonte talks to about his chances of winning this year’s PBA Chris Schenkel Player of the Year. I had the pleasure of interviewing Jason Belmonte recently. The Australian two-handed sensation had a phenomenal 2011-2012 PBA season. It’s clearly a 3-way battle between Belmo, Sean Rash, and Mike Fagan for Player of the … Continue reading Belmonte for Player of the Year? Jason Talks…

Bicep Injury: Scapular and Core Weakness

As the next part of the discussion related to the bicep injury, here is a personal exchange I had with Mr. Paul Butcher. He is an orthopedic and sports medicine physical therapist at the New Mexico Sports Fitness and Physical Therapy practice. He writes monthly articles for Bowling This Month. Hello Mr. Butcher, My name … Continue reading Bicep Injury: Scapular and Core Weakness

Storm Vivid Bowling Ball Review

Storm’s “HD” ball… Our latest test is the new Storm Vivid bowling ball. As usual, keep in mind that the coverstock will account for 70% of ball reaction while the core characteristics and drilling will dictate the shape of the reaction. The test piece was drilled 75×5.5×40. Generally speaking, this will delay the roll and … Continue reading Storm Vivid Bowling Ball Review

Brunswick Nexxus f(P+R) Bowling Ball Review

  Best of (current Brunswick) Breed? Our latest tester, Joe Ciach, is testing the Brunswick Nexxus f(P+R) solid bowling ball. Joe has an impressive and very long resume including 9-time Team Canada Member. He was the 2010 Players Tour Champion in the Greater Toronto Area, World Cup in 2008, and countless tournament wins. Joe is … Continue reading Brunswick Nexxus f(P+R) Bowling Ball Review

Brunswick Nexus f(P+F) Bowling Ball Review

Brunswick’s big gun! Our latest tester, Joe Ciach, is testing the Brunswick Nexus f(P+F) solid bowling ball. Joe has an impressive and very long resume including 9-time Team Canada Member. He was the 2010 Players Tour Champion in the Greater Toronto Area, World Cup in 2008, and countless tournament wins. Joe is a right-handed rev-speed … Continue reading Brunswick Nexus f(P+F) Bowling Ball Review

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